Tamura Electronics successfully hosted the Public Gold Counter program on 15 January 2025, in collaboration with Ms. Risha Rashidah, an Authorized Dealer of Public Gold. This one-day event aimed to encourage employees to save in gold as a financial asset protector, diversifying their savings beyond traditional options such as ASB and Tabung Haji.
A Successful One-Day Event
The program was met with an overwhelming response, with employees actively participating in the various activities offered throughout the day. Key highlights included:
- Personalized Consultations: Ms. Risha Rashidah provided tailored advice to employees, explaining the benefits of gold savings as a long-term, stable investment.
- Account Services: Employees were able to check their existing Public Gold accounts, gaining insights into their current savings and exploring strategies for growth.
- New Account Openings: Many employees took the opportunity to open new Public Gold accounts, marking their commitment to diversifying their financial portfolios.
- Auto Debit Registrations: A notable number of employees registered for Public Gold’s auto debit service, turning their gold savings into “forgotten savings” that accumulate value effortlessly over time.
Lucky Draw Brings Excitement
To wrap up the program, a lucky draw was held to reward employees who started their gold savings on the same day. The prizes for the lucky draw were generously sponsored by Ms. Risha Rashidah, adding a special touch to the event. Several lucky winners walked away with exciting prizes, creating a festive and motivational atmosphere.
Positive Feedback from Participants
Employees expressed their appreciation for the program, highlighting the clarity and expertise shared by Ms. Risha Rashidah. Many noted that the program provided them with a fresh perspective on financial planning and introduced them to the stability and reliability of gold savings.
“The Public Gold Counter program has been an eye-opener for me. I’m excited to start saving in gold as a way to protect my wealth and diversify my savings,” shared one of the participants.
Acknowledgment and Gratitude
Tamura Electronics would like to thank Ms. Risha Rashidah, Public Gold Authorized Dealer representative, for her support and expertise, which made the program a resounding success.
This one-day event marks an important step in encouraging employees to take charge of their financial futures. Tamura Electronics remains committed to organizing similar impactful initiatives to support its employees’ well-being.
“We are thrilled by the success of the Public Gold Counter program and the enthusiasm shown by our employees. It was a meaningful effort to introduce gold as a secure and reliable savings option,” said a Tamura representative.
Making Financial Security a Priority
The Public Gold Counter program may have been a one-day event, but its impact will resonate with employees as they begin their journey toward financial security and wealth diversification.