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Handing over Collective Agreement between TEM Managing Director & Union President

CA Signing Ceremony

Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja ( Worker’s Union  ) Tamura Electronics was founded in 1994 and has been a key partner in representing the workforce at Tamura Electronics.

On 17th Dec 2024, TEM signed 9th Collective Agreement for duration of five years, from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2029. TEM Management was represented by Mr. Kong Jon Yuen – Managing Director, while from the Union represented by Mr. Azman – President.

Trade unions are independent, membership-based organizations of workers that represent and negotiate on behalf of working people.

They give advice when their members have problems at work, represent members in discussions with employers, and help improve wages and working conditions by negotiating with employers.

Unions also make sure that their members’ legal rights are enforced, promote equal opportunities at work, fight against discrimination and help to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.

This collaborative effort between both parties underscored the shared commitment to ensuring a fair and balanced agreement for both the company and its employees.

A buffet meal was arranged to celebrate the events together with Senior Management team and committee members from the Worker’s Union.

Handing over Collective Agreement between TEM Managing Director & Union President

HR personal briefing new benefits in the Collective Agreement to the rest of the members & including outside representatives Malaysian Trade Union Congress

Photo session between Management & Union members representatives. Seated by Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, Union President & Union Vise President